Call for Polish-Mongolian mobility projects for the years 2025–2027
The International Cooperation Department of the PAS opens a call for Polish-Mongolian mobility projects to be realised under the Agreement on scientific cooperation between the Polish Academy of Sciences and the Mongolian Academy of Sciences in the period of 2025–2027.
Deadline and form of submission
- completed forms of the proposal must be submitted by 31 December 2024 (including)
- on the Polish side forms must be submitted online to the address
- on the Mongolian side forms must be submitted online to the address
Applications should be submitted to both Academies simultaneously. Each Academy will consider applications in accordance with its internal rules.
Financial conditions of mobility:
- the sending party covers the travel costs of its researchers to and from the place of destination,
- the receiving party covers the costs of accommodation, daily allowances or meals.
If you have questions or doubts, please contact:
- on the Polish side
- on the Mongolian side International Cooperation Department of the Mongolian Academy of Sciences