The International Cooperation Department of the PAS opens a call for Polish-Slovak mobility project proposals for the period of 2025-2026.

Deadline and form of submission
  • completed forms of the proposal (link) must be submitted by 30 June 2024
  • on the Polish side forms must be submitted online to the address
  • on the Slovak side forms must be submitted via the Intranet (more information: )
Financial provisions
  • maximum 12 days of exchange per year per project
  • 35 EUR of daily allowance
  • up to 75 EUR for accommodation per day
  • travel costs up to 1400 PLN.

Up to 10 (ten) two-year mobility projects will be selected for funding.

Additional information 
  • 12 days of mobility exchange can be used by two members of the team mentioned in the project proposal,
  • proposals can be submitted only by the scientists from the PAS and SAS units,
  • PAS and SAS International departments are not involved in arranging visits.

In case of doubts or questions, please contact