29 listopada 2024 -

IFIS: Psychoanalytic Visions of Sexuality: A Re-Assessment International Conference

Psychoanalytic Visions of Sexuality: A Re-Assessment International Conference

29-30 November 2024

Center for Psychoanalytic Thought IFiS PAN, Warsaw


Institute of Philosophy and Sociology
00-330 Warsaw, Poland
72 Nowy Świat Street



DAY 1, 29 November

15:00 – 15:15 Registration and Coffee
15:15 – 15:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks

15:30 – 17:00 SESSION 1 (chair: Barbara Barysz)
Sergio Benvenuto, Sex or Gender? Ilka Quindeau, Why Bodies Matter? DISCUSSION

17:00 – 17:30 Coffee and Snacks

17:30 – 19:00 SESSION 2 (chair: Agata Bielińska) Thomas Dojan, Freud’s Anti-Cartesian Naturalism of
the Drive
Adam Lipszyc, Winnicott/Laplanche/Freud: Holding/Seduction/Separation DISCUSSION

19:00-21:00 RECEPTION

DAY 2, 30 November

11:00-12:30 SESSION 3 (chair: Ewa Saciłowska-Gąsior) Ewa Głód, Some Psychoanalytic Reflections on
Youth Sexuality and Intimacy in Collision with New Technologies
Patrick Miller, Imagination dead, imagine. The Hatred of Sexuality and Totalitarian Mindsets

12:30-13:00 Coffee and Snacks

13:00-14:30 SESSION 4 (chair: Andrzej Leder) Zbigniew Kossowski, Some Remarks on the Relations
between Sexuality and the Unconscious Edith Seifert, Self-Realization in Sexuality and the
Unconscious, with Clinical Examples

14:30-16:00 LUNCH

16:00-17:30 SESSION 5 (chair: Adam Lipszyc)
Agata Bielińska, Faithfulness and its Discontents: Freud and the Possibility of Sexual Innovation
Piotr Wesołowski, Critique of Images of the Sexual in Psychoanalysis
17:30-18:00 Coffee and Snacks 18:00-19:00 ROUNDTABLE.
Sexuality in Psychoanalysis: Ebbs and Flows
19:01-23:59 Drinking and Dancing